Work Experience Opportunities

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Sadler’s Wells has supported over 100 individuals and partnered with 15+ creative and cultural organisations. Through paid employment opportunities, diverse work experiences, and innovative workshops, our mission is to dismantle barriers to employment, bridge skill gaps, and pave pathways to vibrant careers in the creative and cultural sector.

Why does this matter? It's about embracing diversity, correcting misconceptions about creative careers, and forging accessible entry points. The creative world can feel exclusive, with opportunities often shrouded in mystery and reliant on informal connections. Yet, with 1 in 6 London jobs in the creative sphere, it's vital to broaden access and representation.

Sadler’s Wells’ Work Opportunities Programme is more than just a partnership – it's a catalyst for change. It's about fostering inclusivity, reshaping perceptions, and empowering the next generation of creative talent.